Kitaab At-Tawheed, Chapter: 10 A Vow to Another Besides Allah (
Allah (swt ), says:
They perform their vows, and they fear a Day whose evil is spread far and wide] (Qur'an 76:7)
Allah (swt ), Most Glorified, Most High, praises His righteous slaves in this verse because they fulfill the vows which they have made incumbent upon themselves desiring nearness to Allah (swt ); and He makes clear to us their certainty of belief on the Day of Resurrection and their fear of Allah's severe chatisement, which will be delivered far and wide on that Day.
Benefits Derived From This Verse
1. The obligation to fulfill one's vows so long as they do not constitute disobedience to Allah.
2. That fear of the Day of Resurrection is one of the attributes of the Believers.
3. Confirmation of the Resurrection of mankind on that Day.
Relevance of This Verse to the Subject of the Chapter
That the verse praises the fulfillment of vows, and Allah (swt ) does not praise except that which is obligatory or that which is strongly preferred, or refraining from the prohibited. This is why fulfillment of a vow is considered to be an act of worship, and dedicating an act of worship to other than Allah (swt ) is an act of Shirk.
Allah (swt ), says:
And whatever you spend in charity or whatever vow you make, be sure Allah knows it all. But the wrongdoers have no helpers] (Qur'an 2:270)
Allah (swt ), Most Glorified, Most High, informs us in this verse that whatsoever man gives in the way of charity and whatever vows he makes, seeking nearness to Allah (swt ), He knows it, even if the perpetrator were to keep it secret, and He will reward him for it. Then, Allah (swt ) warns the people against injustice in charity and in their vows and in all their deeds, and He (swt ) informs them that they will find none to help them or protect them should Allah (swt ) punish them for their sins.
Benefits Derived From This Verse
1. Evidence of the breadth of Allah's (swt ) Knowledge and of the fact that it encompasses every single thing.
2. That taking a vow is an act of worship.
3. The prohibition of all types of injustice.
Relevance of This Verse to the Subject of the Chapter
That the verse proves that Allah (swt ), Most Glorified, Most High, has knowledge of each and every vow, and that He rewards the one who makes it, therefore fulfilling a vow is an act of worship and dedicating an act of worship to another besides Allah (swt ) is Shirk.
It is authentically reported on the authority of `Aa`ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (r ) said: "Whoever vowed to obey Allah (swt ), he should do so, and whoever vowed to disobey Him, should not do so.1"
Benefits Derived From This Hadith
1. The obligation to fulfill vows so long as they are in obedience to Allah (swt ).
2. The prohibition of fulfilling vows if they entail disobedience to Allah (swt ). Instead, he must perform the expiation of an oath.
Relevance of the Hadeeth to the Subject of the Chapter
That it proves the obligation to fulfill one's vow so long as it does not entail disobedience to Allah (swt ). This means that fulfilling a vow is an act of worship, and dedicating an act of worship to other than Allah (swt ) is Shirk.
1. Narrated by Imam Malik.