We conclude our book with the viewpoint of two person who embraced Islam. F. Filweas asserts that the West is suffering from a vast spiritual void which no principle or faith could fill it up and bring about happiness there. Despite the affluence there, and the so-called economic prosperity, besides the satisfaction of physical needs of people, the Western man still has a sense of worthlessness of his life. He wonders: Why is he living? Where is he going? Why? But no one so far has given him a satisfactory response. Unfortunately, he has no idea that his remedy consists in the right religion about which he knows nothing more than doubts. However, the beginnings of light have started to breakthrough after a few groups of Westerners embraced Islam and the Western man began to see with his own eyes, men and women put Islam into practice and live up to its teachings. Everyday some people there embrace the true religion. It is just the beginning." An American lady, D. Potter, who was born in Traverse, Mich., and graduated from Mich. University with a degree in journalism, asserts that Islam is the Law of God. It is evident in nature around us. Mountains, oceans, planets and star move in orbit by Allah's command. They are submissive to the Will of Allah, their Creator as character s in a novel are controlled by its author, as they speak and act in the way planned and determined by him. Allah's is Sublime Similitude. Thus, every atom or particle in this universe, even inanimate objects, is submissive to the Will of Allah. However, man is an exception since he has been given the freedom of choice, so he has the will to submit to Allah's commands or to lay down his own laws or religion. Unfortunately, he has mostly chosen the second option. People in Europe and America are embracing Islam in large numbers because they are thirsty for peace of mind and spiritual security. Moreover, a number of Christian orientalists and preachers who commenced their campaign to destroy Islam and bring out its alleged shortcomings have themselves become Muslims. That is because the evidence of the truth is irrefutable.