All praise is due to Allah. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad, his companions, his family and his followers until the day resurrection.
I am very happy to introduce this book (the Message of Islam) to all readers (Muslims and non-Muslims) for two reasons: the first is that I know brother Abd al-Raman al-Sheha for about a year now. I have dealt with him and found him to be one of the finest people I have met. By the grace of Allah, he has a good character and he is dedicated to the cause of serving Allah to the best. The second is that I find this book to be interesting and beneficial. The reader, whether being a Muslim or not, will find a logical orderly and supported with evidence presentation. I also find this book to be easy to read while containing all the necessary information about Islam.
The subject of this book is important not only because we need to refine our understanding of Islam, but also because many people don't have a comprehensive and yet detailed concept of Allah's way of life. Many followers of Islam limit the role of religion into mere acts of worship confined to the mosque or in times of hardships and difficulties. This is incomplete and distorted understanding of Islam. Allah is perfect and his religion (or way of life) is complete and comprehensive. It is the fault of some followers of Islam who project this great and beautiful religion in a bad image.
As a reader, you need to read the entire book, so that you will know to what extent religion covers every aspect of our daily life. I am sure that at the end, by Allah's grace, you will pray for the author and you will be inwardly and outwardly rewarded.
I pray that Allah would reward my brother Abd al- Raman al-Sheha for writing this book and for all his effort in the cause of serving Islam, Muslims and humanity. All praise is due to Allah the almighty.
Dr. Ahmad Ibn Saifuddin
Associate professor
Al-imam University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia