Islamic manners are multifarious. In summing-up; they are either virtuous or evil. Virtuous manners are all good acts and saying, such as honesty, telling the truth, charity, cooperation and modesty. Whereas evil ones are all harmful acts and sayings, such as dishonesty, telling lies, injustices, cruelty and hatred. The Qur'an has summed up good manners in the following verse which meaning of is translated as: �Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant.� (The Qur'an, Al-A'raf, 7:199). And Prophet Muhammad peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, has stated the objective of his mission which meaning of is translated as: �I have been sent to raise good morals to perfection.� (Bukhari).
- Islam has forbidden polytheism (i.e.: associating partners to Allah). The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Lo! Allah pardons not that partners should be ascribed unto Him. He pardons all save that to whom He will.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:116). It has forbidden witchcraft (magic). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Avoid the seven most dangerous things.� The companions asked: "O Messenger of Allah! What are these things?" He answered:
- �Associating partners with Allah.
- Practicing magic.
- Killing without justification a living being whose life has been declared sacred by Allah.
- Practicing usury.
- Misappropriating the property of an orphan.
- Running away from the infidels in battle.
- And slandering chaste, innocent, believing women.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- It has forbidden injustice and oppression, which generally denote wronging others by words or deeds or failing to give others their due rights. The Holy Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress mankind, and wrongly rebel in the earth. For such there is a painful doom.� (The Qur'an, Ash-Shura, 42:42). It also says which meaning of is translated as: �Say: My Lord forbids only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are within, and sin and wrongful oppression.� (The Qur'an, Al-A'raf, 7:33). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Allah the Most High has revealed to me that you should be humble, so that nobody oppresses, or holds himself above others.� (Muslim). In another tradition, the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Allah admonishes you: O my servants, I have made forbidden on myself to oppress others and have forbidden it between you. So wrong not anyone.� (Muslim). This does not imply being content with humiliation, for Islam enjoined repressing injustice and preventing aggression. The Glorious Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �And one who attacks you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you.� (The Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, 2:194). It also enjoined helping the victims of injustice even if they belonged to a different religion. The Holy Qur'an said which meaning of is translated as: �And if one of the idolaters seeks your protection (O Muhammad) then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety.� (The Qur'an, At-Tauba, 9:6). That is because Islam does not permit people to be deprived of their rights or freedom or their feelings to be hurt even if they are not Muslims. It also enjoins that both the oppressor and the oppressed. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or oppressed person.� A companion asked: "Messenger of Allah (It is true) I will help him if he is an oppressed person, but please tell me how I am to help him if he happens to be an oppressor." The Holy Prophet answered: �Prevent him from oppressing others. Because preventing him from committing aggression is a help to him.� (Bukhari).
- It has prohibited slaying the life which Allah has forbidden except with due right. The Holy Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Whoso slays a believer of set purpose, his reward is Hell forever. Allah is wroth against him and He has cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:93). The Qur'an also says which meaning of is translated as: �For that cause We decreed for the children of Israel that whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind. And whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:32). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �A Muslim remains enjoying the safety and protection of his faith, so long as he does not commit an unlawful murder.� (Bukhari). Exempt from this threat are those who kill or are killed in defense of himself, his property, honor or an oppressed man who asks for help. Moreover, there is no difference whether the killed person is a Muslim or non-Muslim who are entitled to protection by the Muslim State. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Whoever killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims, shall not smell the smell of Paradise though its smell is perceived from a distance of forty years.� (Bukhari).
- Islam has prohibited severance of family ties and deserting of relatives. Allah, the Most High, says which meaning of is translated as: �Would you then, if you were given the authority, do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship? Such are they whom Allah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sight.� (The Qur'an, Muhammad, 47:22-23). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �No one who severs the ties of kinship shall be admitted into Paradise.� (Bukhari & Muslim). Severance of such ties denotes failing to visit your relatives; to know about their conditions, treating them with superiority, neglecting to help the poor and weak among them if he is affluent, because donation to the poor (if not a relative) is mere charity, but if he is a relative it will be considered both charity and keeping the ties of kinship. If a person is poor he can keep the ties of kinship by greeting them, inquiring about their conditions, and meeting them with gentle words and cheerful smile. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, encouraged good family relations saying which meaning of is translated as: �Keep the ties of kinship with your relatives by greeting them with salaam.�
- Islam has prohibited disobedience and unkindness to parents. The Qur'an has stated which meaning of is translated as: �And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to hem a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honor. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.� (The Qur'an, Bani Israil, 17:23-24). The Great Prophet Muhammad peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Allah's pleasure is bases on parents' pleasure and His wrath is based on theirs.� (Tirmidhi). When asked about the definition of disobedience to parents, Ka'ab Al-Ahbar replied: "It means that if one's parents take an oath he does not make good their oath; if they order him he does not obey them; if they ask him for something he does not give them; and if they trust him he betrays their trust."
- Islam has forbidden fornication and all things and practices that lead to it. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is an abomination and an evil way.� (The Qur'an, Bani Israil, 17:32). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �There is no sin after polytheism bigger than a man placing his sperm into an unlawful vulva.� (Ahmad). The Glorious Qur'an has stated a fornicator's punishment which meaning of is translated as: �The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment.� (The Qur'an, An-Nur, 24:2). This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime, but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death. To put such punishment into effect, either of two prerequisites is a must:
1. Confession by both the man and woman who have committed this crime.
2. There must be four witnesses who are able to describe the event in the most minute details that evidences the crime beyond all doubt.
This is, in fact, possible only when the two adulterers commit their crime in public and are witnessed by all the four witnesses, which is rare or even impossible. The history of Islam has witnessed only two or three events in which the punishment was carried out based on confession and only after those who committed adultery or fornication insisted on execution of the ordained punishment. Such punishment demonstrates the gravity of the committed sin and aims to preserve honor from being degraded, protect the people and their morals from corruption, the society from disintegration and diseases, and lineage from impurity and confusion in matters of inheritance and marriageability. Allah's Messenger peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �If the sin of adultery spreads among people in public, plague and other new diseases will also spread among them.� (Ibn Majah). The most abominable form of this sin is incest. One tradition related by Al-Hakim states which meaning of is translated as:"Whoever commits incest, kill him."
- Islam has forbidden sodomy. The Qur'an tells us about the people of Lot which meaning of is translated as: �So when Our Commandment came, We turned (the towns of Sodom in Palestine) upside down, and rained on them stones of baked clay, in a well-arranged manner one after another; Marked from your Lord; and they are not ever far from the evil-doers.� (The Qur'an, Hud, 11:82-83). The above suggest that whoever behaves like the people of Lot should beware lest he be hit with the same punishment. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Four person expose themselves to the wrath of Allah every morning and evening. When he was asked about them he answered: Men who imitate women, women who imitate men, those who have sexual intercourse with animals and those who commit sodomy.� (Tabarani). Islam has forbidden devouring the property of orphans, as this involves wasting the rights of weak people. Allah which meaning of is translated as: �Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a fires to their own bodies; they will soon be enduring a blazing fire!� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:10). An exception is the poor guardian of an orphan: He is permitted to take a reasonable percentage or portion for his supervision, care, and services including feeding, clothing, investment of property in the best interest of the orphan. The Glorious Qur'an states peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, which meaning of is translated as: �And whoever (amongst guardians) is rich, he should take no wages, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable (according to his labor).� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:6). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, recommended us to take care of orphans and treat them kindly, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �I and the guardian of an orphan are like these. He pointed his forefinger and middle finger.� (Bukhari). �If a person takes a Muslim orphan and supports him (giving him of his own food and drink) until he grows up and is bale to support himself, he will become worthy of entering Paradise, unless he commits an unforgivable sin.� (Tirmidhi).
- It has forbidden the ruler to wrong or cheat his people. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Consider not that Allah is unaware of that which the wrongdoers do, but He gives them respite up to a Day when the eyes will stare in horror. (They will be) hastening forward with necks outstretched, their heads raised up (towards the sky), their gaze returning not towards them and their hearts empty (from thinking because of extreme fear).� (The Qur'an, Ibrahim, 14: 42-43). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �If a ruler is entrusted by Allah with people but fails to be sincere to them, he will be forbidden access to Paradise. (In another narration: If he dies while he is deceiving his people, he will be forbidden entry into Paradise.).� (Bukhari). He also peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �An unjust ruler will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Judgment.� (Tabarani). He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, also used to say this prayer which meaning of is translated as: �O Allah! Whoever holds authority over my nation and is kind to them, be kind to him; but if he treats them with cruelty, be hard on him.� (Muslim).
- Islam has forbidden false testimony and perjury and considered it a deadly sin the insistence on which may lead to disbelief. The Glorious Qur'an says about righteous servants of Allah which meaning of is translated as: �And those who do not hear witness to falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity.� (The Qur'an, Ash-Shu'araa, 26:72). Allah's Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, asked his companions if they wish him to inform them about the biggest of sins, and when they answered positively he peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Ascribing partners to Allah, and disobedience to parents. He sat up from the leaning position and said: Beware of false words, beware of false testimony.. He went on repeating it until we wished he had only kept quiet out of pity for him.� (Bukhari). That is due to the hazards caused by such testimony to society, including waste of people's rights and prevalence of injustice. It causes harm to both the bearer of witness (as it helps him with his injustice) and the innocent victim (by depriving him of his due rights, whether physical or moral). Islam has forbidden gambling and drinking of wine, as well as taking drugs (whether chewed, drunk, inhaled or injected). The Qur'an states which meaning of is translated as: �Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks) and gambling and idols and dividing arrows are only an infamy of satan's handiwork. Leave it aside in order that you may succeed. Satan seeks only to cast among you amity and hatred by means of strong drink and games of chance and to turn you from remembrance of Allah and from (His) worship. Will you then not abstain?� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 35:90-91). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �One who is disobedient to his parents or addicted to alcohol shall not enter Paradise.� (Nasae'i). In order to obstruct the way of marketing or promoting wine (i.e.: alcoholic drinks), even without drinking it, the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Curse be on wine itself, it's drinker, server, seller, purchaser, squeezer, the one for whom it is squeezed, it's carrier, the one to whom it is carried, and the receiver of its price.� (Abu Dawood). But such serious threat, Islam seeks to protect the human mind and feelings from being deranged or crippled. Islam wants man steps down from his human status to a lower one of other unconscious creatures. It is a well-known fact than a drug or alcohol addict will do his utmost to obtain money to purchase drugs or alcohol whatever the means maybe. This may lead him to commit other grave sins. Therefore, Islam called alcohol the origin or source of all deadly sins. As for gambling, if one wins he will eat up another's property or money unrightfully, and the exultation at winning may drive him to use trick and deceit to win again. If he loses he will wastes his money in vain, and he may resort to robbery if he loses all his money. In order to play games again and compensate for his loss. Islam has forbidden robbery because it means appropriation of other people's property illegally. The Qur'an states which meaning of is translated as: �And (as for) the male thief and the female thief, cut off (from the wrist joint) their (right) hands as a recompense for that which they committed, a punishment by way of example from Allah. And Allah is All-Powerful, All Wise.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:38). The application of this punishment is subject to the following:
1. The stolen property must be safeguarded and the robber comes and breaks into a safe, for example, to steal it.
2. The cause or drive for stealing should not be want of food, drink or dress; otherwise, there will be no cutting off. This is supported by Omar's conduct in the year of famine (18AH).
3. The stolen property should be equal to the minimum amount liable to cut the hand.
Some scholar pointed out that no repentance is accepted from the robber until he has returned the stolen property to its owner, but if he is penniless he may ask the owner of the stolen money be relinquishes his right before the case becomes in the hands of the court. That is the verdict about robbery if it is not avert. However, if the case is one of armed robbery, if the same as highway robbery (i.e. Harabah) which has a different punishment.
- Islam has forbidden banditry or highway robbery, which involves robbery, terrorizing peaceful people or murder, as this causes instability and terror. The Qur'an states which meaning of is translated as: �Lo! Those who purchase a small gain at the cost of Allah's covenant and their oaths, they have no portion in the Hereafter. Allah will either speak to them nor look upon them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, and they shall have a painful doom.� (The Qur'an, Ali-Imran, 3:77). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �A person who usurps the right of a Muslim, by swearing (falsely) will be condemned by Allah to Hell and deprived of Paradise. A man asked: O Messenger of Allah! Even if it maybe a small thing? He said: Even if it be twig of a bush tree (of Zingiber officinale).� (Muslim). That is because this involves eating up people's rights unrighfully. Islam has forbidden suicide, as stated in the Holy Qur'an which meaning of is translated as: �And kill not one another, Lo! Allah is ever Merciful unto you. Whosoever does that through aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into Fire, and that is ever easy for Allah.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:29-30). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �If a person kills himself with an iron (knife), he will be in Hell with his knife in his hand stabbing himself (and abiding) there forever. If a person kills himself with poison, his poison will be in his hand taking it in Hell (abiding there) forever. If a person throws himself down a mountain to death, he will go down into Hell continuously forever.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- Islam has forbidden falsehood, dishonesty and deceit; enjoined truthfulness, keeping promises and restoring deposits to their owners; and warned against breaking promises and denying deposits. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor Knowingly betray your trusts.� (The Qur'an, Al-Anfal, 8:27). It has also enjoined secrecy as stated in the Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, tradition which meaning of is translated as: �If a man tells you something then turns his head away, what he tells you is a trust.� (Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi). It has encouraged sincerity when giving advice. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �An adviser is entrusted.� (Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi). I has also associated trust with faith. The Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �There is no faith in one who lacks trustworthiness, and there is no religiousness in one who lacks commitment to his promise.� (Ahmad and Baihaqi). He also peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �There are four (habits) which, if found in a person, then he has a perfect Hypocrisy. However if one of these traits is found in a person, then he has one sign of hypocrisy, until he leaves it. The four habits are: when he is entrusted (with something) he embezzles; when he talks he lies; when he promises or give a pledge he betrays, and when he quarrels he starts abusing.� (Bukhari & Muslim). Islam has forbidden backbiting, because it spreads hatred among the members of the society. This is indicated in the following tradition: The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, asked the companions which meaning of is translated as: �Do you know what is meant by backbiting? They answered: Allah and His Messenger knows better. He said: To narrate such things about your (Muslim) brother which he dislikes. One of the audience asked: Even if my brother maybe like that? He peace be upon him, said: If such defects as you say, be present in him, then you have backbited him, but if he does not have what you say, then you are committing slander.� (Bukhari & Muslim). It has forbidden grudge and envy because it reveals base motives that drive a person to take revenge to quench the thirst of his jealousy and malice. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, was asked: Which is the best of people? He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �He is the pure-hearted, truthful one. They said: We understand truthfulness, but what is -meant by pure-heartedness? He said: it means the righteous, sinless person whose heart is free from sin, injustice, malice and jealousy.� The Holy Prophet has indicated the consequences of envy, for it commonly leads to enmity and hatred, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Jealousy destroys good deeds as fire destroys wood.� (Abu Daowd).
- Islam has forbidden deserting each other, as indicated in the following tradition which meaning of is translated as: �Do not cut off relations with each other, do not harbor ill-will or envy, and - O servants of Allah - be brethren to each other. It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep away from his brother for more than three days.� (Bukhari and Muslim).
- It has forbidden cursing, as stated in the Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, following tradition which meaning of is translated as: �Those person who are addicted to cursing too much will neither be interceded nor witnessed on the Day of Resurrection.� (Muslim). Even with enemies, a Muslim should pray to Allah for their guidance to the right path and refrain from cursing them or invoking evil upon them. According to Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, it was said to the Holy Prophet: O Messenger of Allah, invoke Allah against the atheists. He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, answered which meaning of is translated as: �I have not been sent as a curser, I have been sent as a Mercy.� (Muslim).
- Islam has warned against miserliness, because it considers that wealth belongs to Allah and that Allah has entrusted it to man to spend it on himself and on his dependants, taking into consideration that his needy brothers has right to a portion of it. Allah's Messenger peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, has indicated the miser's guilt in the following tradition which meaning of is translated as: �No cheat, miser or reminder of his favor to others shall enter Paradise.� (Tirmidhi). The Great Prophet explained the consequences if the epidemic of miserliness spreads in a society by saying which meaning of is translated as: �Avoid cruelty and injustice for, on the Day of Judgment, the same will turn into several darkness and guard yourselves against miserliness; for this has ruined nations who lived before you. Miserliness led them to bloodshed and to treat unlawful as lawful.� (Muslim).
- Islam has forbidden extravagance and waste of money unrightfully. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �And give to the kinsman his due, and to the needy and to the wayfarer. But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily, the spendthrifts are brothers of the devils and the devil is ever ungrateful to his Lord.� (The Qur'an, Bani Israil, 17:26-27). And the Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Allah the Exalted has forbidden you disobedience or unkindness to mothers, depriving others of begging and burying little daughters alive. He dislikes for you talkativeness, inquisitiveness and waste of property.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- Islam has forbidden too much strictness and immoderation or extremism in matters of religion. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you.�  (The Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, 2:185). And the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Give good tidings, not bad ones; make things easier, not harder.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- Islam has warned against and forbidden self-conceit and pride. Allah the Exalted has advised us in this verse which meaning of is translated as: �And turn not your face away from me with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster. And be moderate in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the braying of the ass.� (The Qur'an, Luqman, 31:18-19). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, warned against vanity (self-conceit) by saying which meaning of is translated as: �Avoid vanity.� (Bukhari). He also peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, dispraised pride (arrogance) by saying which meaning of is translated as: �A person who has in his heart an atom's weight of pride will not enter Paradise. One man said: O Messenger of Allah, a man likes his garment and shoes to be elegant. The Holy Prophet said: Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Pride is the denial of truth and feeling of contempt for people.� (Muslim). He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, also said which meaning of is translated as: �Whoever drags his garment behind him with pride will be disregarded by Allah on the Day of Resurrection.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- Islam has warned against all causes of dispute and separation. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate.� (The Qur'an, Ali-Imran, 3:103).
- It has forbidden and warned against mistrust and suspicions, Allah said which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, indeed some suspicions are sins.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:12). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Beware of suspicion, for it is the most misleading of talks.� (Bukhari). Islam ordered us to make sure when conveying news The Glorious Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! If an evil-liver brings you tidings, verify it, lest you smite some folk in ignorance and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:6).
- It has forbidden and warned against bad temper and obscenity. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �A perfect Muslim is neither a taunter, curser, nor an abuser nor one having a long tongue.� (Tirmidhi).
- It has warned against rejoicing over the troubles of others. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Do not rejoice over the troubles of your (Muslim) brother lest Allah might save him (by His Mercy) and involve you in the same trouble.� (Tirmidhi).
- It has warned against interfering into the business of others which is of no concern to him. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �It is part of the excellence of a person's Islam that he should discard that is of no concern or benefit to him either in this world or the Hereafter.� (Tirmidhi).
- It has warned against anger. The Holy Qur'an describes the believers in the following verse which meaning of is translated as: �And those who avoid the greater sins, and illegal sexual intercourse, and when they angry, forgive.� (The Qur'an. Ash-Shura, 42:37). And �Repel (the evil) with one which is better, then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.� (The Qur'an, Fussilat, 41:34). Ibn Abbas explained: What is meant of patience at the time of anger, forgiveness after receiving insult. If they behave accordingly, Allah will safeguard them and their enemy will submit to them like a close friend. (Reported by Imam Bukhari) Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, as saying to the person who requested his advice which meaning of is translated as: �Do not get angry. When the man repeated his question he answered several times: Do not get angry.� (Bukhari).
- Islam has forbidden despising other people. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:11).
- It has forbidden usurpation of any kind because it involves injustice and corruption for the society. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Allah has decreed the Fire of Hell for a person who usurps the property of a Muslim through false oath and debarred him from Paradise. A companion asked: O Messenger of Allah! Even if it may be small? He answered: Even if it may be the twing of a bush.� (Muslim).
- It has forbidden the judge to commit injustice, whether he is learned or unlearned, because a judge, in Islam, is considered responsible for implementation of Allah's Shari'a (Law). Thus he is an executive, not legislative, party. Therefore, if he committed injustice he would betray the trust put in him. The Qur'an states this clearly which meaning of is translated as: �Whoso judges not by that which Allah has revealed: such are disbelievers.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:44). The Gracious Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Judges are three: One in Paradise and two in Hell. A judge who has known the truth and judged accordingly: he will be in Paradise, a judge who has known the truth and deviated from justice on purpose: he will be in Hell; and a judge who has judged ignorantly: he will be in Hell. They asked: What's the guilt of an ignorant judge? He said: He is guilty because he should not be a judge unless he is a learned man.� (Hakim).
- Islam has forbidden cuckoldry, which denotes lack of sense of honor and consent to illicit sexual relationships within his family or close relatives. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Three people shall be forbidden access to Paradise, namely: the alcohol addict, a person who disobeys his parents, and the cuckold who consents to the adultery committed by his wife.� (Nasa'e).
- It has forbidden men and woman imitating each other in their dress and other peculiar habits. According to the Holy Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, tradition which meaning of is translated as: �Allah's Messenger peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, cursed those men who imitate women, and those women who imitate men.� (Bukhari).
- Islam has forbidden reminders of a favor of generosity, that is, when you remind someone for whom you have done a favor in a way injuring him. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Beware of reminding others of a favor you have done to them because this makes thankfulness futile and wipe out reward. Then he recited the Qur'anic verse which meaning of is translated as: O you who believe! Do not render in vain your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury.� (The Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, 2:264). He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, also said which meaning of is translated as: �The person who retracts a gift is like the dog which devours its vomited stuff.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- It has forbidden slandering and backbiting whether through words, acts or signs. The Glorious Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Woe to every slanderer and backbiter.� (The Qur'an, Al-Humaza, 104:1).
- It has forbidden insulting each other by nicknames. The Qur'an address the believers in the following verse which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is to insult one's brother after having faith. And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed wrongdoers.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:11).
- It has forbidden spying on people, looking for their shortcomings and listening to their talks unawares. The Glorious Qur'an said which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believe! Shun much suspicion; for Lo! Some suspicion is a crime. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Yet abhor that (so abhor the other)! And keep your duty (to Allah). Lo! Allah is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:12). Prophet Muhammad peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �If a person spies on other's talk without heir consent, Allah will pour molten lead into his ears on the Day of Judgment.� (Bukhari).
- Islam has forbidden carrying tales for mischief. It has threatened the carrier of such tales with the worst punishment. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Neither obey you each feeble oath-mongers, Detracter, spreader of slanders.� (The Qur'an, Al-Qalam, 68:10-11). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �A person who is addicted to carrying tales will not enter Paradise.� (Bukhari & Muslim). Such spreading of slanders for mischief may lead to murder or at least, to enmity and trouble which were condemned by the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, by saying which meaning of is translated as: �It is not proper for a Muslim to keep away from his brother for more than three days so much that when they meet they move away from each other. The best among them is the one who is the first to greet the other.� (Bukhari & Muslim). It may also lead to suspicion and spying to decide the truth of the carried tales, which involves several sins. The Holy Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Indeed some suspicions are sins and spy not.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:12).
- Islam has forbidden belittlement of weak people and trespassing on their rights, whether the weakness is physical (for example, the sick, the disabled and the aged) or financial (the poor and the needy) or in case they are under your patronage. The aims to create a consolidated society predominated by mercy, love and brotherhood. The Holy Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship), and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the needy the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:36). Once, Allah's Messenger peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, called his servant but the latter was later in coming to him. The Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Was it not for retribution I would beat you with this siwak (a tooth brush made of a specific tree - twig). He had it in his hand then. (Narrated by Imam Ahmad).
- Islam has prohibited causing a neighbor any harm or "inconvenience" by words or deeds. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �By Allah, he is not a (perfect) believer! By Allah, he is not a (perfect) believer! He was asked: who is it, O Messenger of Allah? He said: The one whose neighbor is not immune against his mischief.� (Bukhari & Muslim). He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, also said which meaning of is translated as: �If one believes in Allah and the Last Day, he should not hurt his neighbor.� (Bukhari). Islam has raised high the rank of neighbors, and assigned them considerable privilege as understood from the following Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, words which meaning of is translated as: �Gabriel went on recommending me to take care of the neighbor until I thought that he would give him a right to inheritance (of his neighbor).� (Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi).
- It has prohibited causing any harm or loss to inheritors by payment of legacy, such as when the deceased leaves a will that he owes someone a debt, which is not true, just to cause harm or loss to his heirs. This is made clear in the Holy Qur'an which meaning of is translated as: �� after payment of legacies he (or she) may have bequeathed or debts, so that no loss is caused (to anyone).� (the Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:12). And in the Hadith which meaning of is translated as: �Allah has decreed for each one his (or her) due, so there is no will or legacy to be bequeathed to an inheritor.� (Tirmidhi).
The following are some of the injunctions and commandments of Islam:
- Islam has enjoined absolute justice in speech and action. The Glorious Qur'an states which meaning of is translated as: �Lo! Allah enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids lewdness and abomination and wickedness. He exhorts you in order that you may take heed.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:90). Abu Bakr, the first Muslim Caliph after the Holy Prophet, on assuming his responsibilities of Caliphate, said: "To me, the strong man among you is weak until I exact what is due on him, and the weak man is strong until I avail him of what is due to him. Obey me as long as I obey Allah in conducting your affairs." Justice is a must in case of pleasure and displeasure, towards Muslims and non-Muslims. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �� And let not hatred of any people seduce you that you deal not justly. Deal justly, that is nearer to piety.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:8). Justice is also required when dealing with relatives and non-relatives, Allah said which meaning of is translated as: �And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned, and fulfill the Covenant of Allah. This He commands you, that you may remember.� (The Qur'an, Al-An'am, 6:152). Allah has commanded us even to use force, if needed, to impose justice He said which meaning of is translated as: �Indeed We have sent Our Messenger with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power (in matters of war) as well as many benefits.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hadid, 57:25). In his commentary on this verse, Imam Ibn Taimia, Allah's Mercy be on him, said: "Sending messengers and revelation of books are intended for people to perform their obligations as ordained by Allah in accordance with justice. If one deviates from the book he will be corrected with iron (i.e. by force)."
- Islam has enjoined altruism and encouraged it because it reflects true love and sense of brotherhood which has its positive implications on the society, by enhancing the ties between its members and motivating them to serve each other sincerely. The Holy Qur'an has praised who prefer others over themselves in matters of benevolence and benefit, Allah said which meaning of is translated as: �� and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hashr, 59:9).
- It urged keeping good company and warned against bad company. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, has given us a similitude that shows us clearly the consequences of good company and bad company. He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �The case of a good companion and that of a bad companion is like that of one who has musk (perfume) and of one who blows a furnace (or an iron smith). The owner of musk might only buy some from him, or at least you might smell its fragrance. As regards the other, he might set your clothes a fire, or at least you will breathe fumes from the furnace.� (Bukhari & Muslim).
- Islam has enjoined reconciliation between people in case of dispute. The Glorious Qur'an states which meaning of is translated as: �There is no good in much of their secret conferences save (in) him who enjoins alms giving and kindness and peace-making among the people. Whoso does that, seeking the good pleasure of Allah, We shall bestow on him a vast reward.� (The Qur'an, An-Nisaa, 4:114). Reconciliation between people occupies a high rank which is not inferior to that of prayer, fasting and other forms of worship. In this context, the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Shall I tell you of something better than the rank of fasting, prayer and charity (Zakat)? It is reconciliation between people, because discord is an exterminator (of society).� Islam allows lying in cases of reconciliation in order to infuse hearts with love and accord, unite them and protect them from conflicts and separation. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �I do not count a liar, the man who utters words for the sake of making peace, in war, a husband's talk with his wife, and a wife's talk with her husband.� (Abu Dawood). He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, also aid which meaning of is translated as: �He is not a liar who brings about peace between people by saying or ascribing good words (to other).� (Bukhari & Muslim). Islam has commanded enjoining virtue and forbidding evil by all means, each according to his capacity, because this would safeguard people against injustice, corruption, loss of rights, and dominance of lawlessness. Enjoining virtue and forbidding evil teaches the ignorant, arouses the dormant from inertia and negligence of duty, corrects wrongdoers and help the righteous. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �� help you one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:2). And the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Anybody amongst you who notices something evil, should correct it with his own hands. If he is unable to do so, he should prohibit the same with his tongue. If he is unable even to do this, he should at least consider it as bad in his heart; this is the lowest degree of faith.� (Muslim). The Holy Qur'an has stated the punishment of those who neglect such a duty by stating the following verse which meaning of is translated as: �Those of the children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress.� (The Qur'an, Al-Ma'ida, 5:78). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, described the consequences of failure to enjoin virtue and forbid evil in the following Hadith which meaning of is translated as: �The example of a person who obeys injunctions of Allah and the one who disregards these limits is like passengers on a boat who decide by drawing lots as to who should occupy the upper deck and who should go to the lower deck. Those in the lower deck had to pass through the upper deck to fetch water, which caused some inconvenience to the occupants of the upper deck. So they suggested to the occupants of the upper deck to allow them to bore a hole in the lower deck and to draw water without causing any inconvenience to them. If the occupants of the upper deck were to leave the others to carry out their design, they would all perish together; but if they were to stop them from carrying it out they would save themselves and all others.� (Bukhari). Islam, however, has prescribed some controls and criteria for enjoining virtue and prohibiting evil. The following are some of them:
1. The one who takes up this task must be knowledgeable about what he enjoins or prohibits.
2. His prohibition of evil should not lead to a bigger evil.
3. He should not do what he prohibits nor should he neglect what he enjoins, as made clear in the Holy Qur'an which meaning of is translated as: �O you who believer! Why say you that which you do not? It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not.� (The Qur'an, As-Saff, 61:2-3).
4. He should clement and gentle when he enjoins or prohibits. He should also bear any inconvenience resulting from this task, Allah said which meaning of is translated as: �� and enjoin kindness and forbid inequity, and persevere whatever may befall you. Lo! That is the steadfast heart of things.� (The Qur'an, Luqman, 31:17).
5. He should not resort to spying on others in order to discover evil acts. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �� And spy not.� (The Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, 49:12).
- Islam has enjoined good manners. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Among the Muslims, the most perfect, with regard to his faith, is one whose character is excellent, and who treats his wife with gentleness.� (Tirmidhi). The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, has also pointed out the reward of good manners, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �On the Day of Judgment, the dearest and closest to me, as regards my company, will be those persons, who will bear the best moral character. And those among you, who talk with affectation and are given to boasting, will be the most repugnant to me, and the farthest from me on the Day of Judgment. The companions submitted: O Messenger of Allah! What is meant by the word, 'Mutafaihigoon', the Holy Prophet peace be upon him, said: Those given to boasting.� (Tirmidhi).
- Islam has enjoined doing kindness, as stated in the Holy Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, tradition which meaning of is translated as: �Do kindness to those worthy or unworthy of it; if you do it to those worthy of it then they are worth it; but if you do not do it to those worthy of it then you are worth doing it.�
- It has enjoined giving sincere advice. In this context, the Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �(The basis of) faith is sincerity. We (i.e. the Prophet's companions) submitted: O Prophet of Allah! For whom? He said: Towards Allah, the Holy Qur'an, His Prophet and the Muslims - both leaders and masses.� (Muslim).
- Sincerity towards Allah can be realized by believing in Him, worshipping Him alone, ascribing no partners to Him, declaring Him free from imperfection in His Names and Attributes, and that He is the Disposer of this Universe. What He wills shall be, and what He does not will shall not be, as well as complying with His commands and avoiding His prohibitions.
- Sincerity towards His Book, (The Holy Qur'an) is realized by believing that it is the word of Allah, revealed by Him, and that it is the Final of revealed scriptures, as well as holding as lawful all that is stated as lawful in the Qur'an and holding as forbidden all that is forbidden in it, and considering it as the right path and way of life for Muslims.
- Sincerity towards His Messenger is realized by obeying his orders, believing what is told, refraining from what he prohibited, loving and respecting him, complying with his Sunnah (way and teachings) and propagating it among people.
- Sincerity to Leaders of the Muslims is realized by obeying them unless they enjoin sin, guiding them to good and helping them with it, refraining from rebelling against them, advising them gently, and reminding them of the rights of other people.
- Sincerity towards the Muslim masses is realized by guiding them to what is good for them in matters of their religion and worldly life. Helping them to satisfying their needs, protecting them from harm, loving for them what he likes for himself, disliking for them what he dislikes for himself, and treating them in the manner he wants them to treat him.
- Islam has enjoined generosity, as it leads to people's friendliness and affection. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Two traits are liked by Allah, namely: good manners and generosity; and two other traits are disliked by Allah, namely: bad manners and miserliness. If Allah wants to favor a servant of His, He uses him to satisfy people's needs.� The criterion regarding generosity is given in the following verse which meaning of is translated as: �And let not your hand be chained to your neck (like a niggard's) nor open it with a complete opening (like a spendthrift's), lest you sit down rebuked, denied (and impoverished).� (The Qur'an, Bani Israil, 17:29). Allah the Exalted has warned against squandering wealth and going beyond the moderate limits of generosity, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Give the kinsman his due, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and squander (your wealth) in wantonness� Lo! The squanderers were ever brothers of the devils, and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord.� (The Qur'an, Bani Israil, 17:26-27).
- Islam has enjoined mercy, as stated in the Prophet's peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, words which meaning of is translated as: �Those who have mercy deserve the mercy of Allah. Have mercy for those on earth, and Allah will have mercy for you.� (Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi).
- It has enjoined kindness and gentleness. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Where there is softness, it beautifies that thing, and from which it is taken away it snatches its glamour.� (Muslim).
- It has enjoined covering up for others and helping to relieve their distress. The Holy Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �One who helps a fellow Muslim in removing his difficulty in this world, Allah will remove the formers' distress on the Day of Judgment. He who helps to remove the hardship of another, will have his difficulties removed by Allah in this world and in the Hereafter. One who covers the shortcomings of another Muslim will have his faults covered up in this world and the next by Allah. Allah continues to help his servant so long as he goes on helping his brother.� (Muslim).
- Islam has enjoined and urged patience with devotions and for refraining from prohibitions. The Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �So wait patiently (O Muhammad) for your Lord's decree, for surely you are in our sight.� (The Qur'an, At-Tur, 52:48). It may be patience with one's lots and events of life, such as poverty, hunger, illness and fear. The Glorious Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast. Who say, when a misfortune strikes them: Lo! We are Allah's and Lo! Unto Him we are returning. Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly guided.� (The Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, 2:155-157). Allah, Glory to Him, has stated the reward of the steadfast, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �Verily the steadfast will be paid their wages without stint.� (The Qur'an, Az-Zumar, 39:10).
- It has enjoined suppression of anger, and forgiving especially when one is able to avenge himself. This will make ties among the members of society stronger, help to remove all causes of hatred and enmity, and lead to great reward. Therefore, Allah has praised those who posses such excellent traits, He peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, said which meaning of is translated as: �And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous. Those who spend (of that which Allah has given them) in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving towards mankind. Allah loves the good.� (The Qur'an, Ali-Imran, 3:133-134). Islam has also called Muslims to meet evil with good in order to attune hearts and purify them of grudge. The Holy Qur'an says which meaning of is translated as: �Repel (the evil deed) with one which is better, then Lo! he between whom and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend.� (The Qur'an, Fussilat, 41:34).