The most important fundamentals of Islam are: prohibition of aggression against life, honor, wealth, mind, offspring, or against the weak and the disabled. About the immunity and inviolability of life, the Qur'aan says which meaning of is translated as: �And slay not the life which Allah has forbidden save with right...� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-Isra', 17:33).
About the sanctity of honor Allah said which meaning of is translated as: �Oh you who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who may be better than they (are), nor let women (deride) women who may be better than they are...� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-Hujurat, 49:11). �Who so commits a delinquency or crime, the throws (the blame) thereof upon someone innocent, has burdened himself with falsehood and a fragrant crime.� (The Qur'aan, Chapter An-Nisaa, 4:112)
On the prohibition of trespassing on offspring and cattle allah said which meaning of is translated as: �And when he turns away (from you), his effort in the land is to make mischief therein & to destroy the crops & the cattle; & Allah loves not the mischief.� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-Baqarah, 2:205).
When speaking about the rights of the weak, the Qur'aan states the rights of parents which meaning of is translated as: �And your Lord has decreed that you worship none save (except) Him, and (that you show) kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with you, say not "Pooh" to them nor repulse them, but speak to them a graceful word.� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-Isra', 17:23). And also the rights of orphans which meaning of is translated as: �Therefore, the orphan oppress not.� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Ad-Duha, 93:9). �Come not near the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better (to improve it).� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-Isra', 17:34).
And the rights of the children which meaning of is translated as: ��And then you slay not your children because of penury (poverty) - We provide for you and for them.� (The Qur'aan, Chapter Al-An'am, 6:151).
On the rights of the sick people, the messenger of Allah peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, says which meaning of is translated as: �Give food (to the poor), visit the sick, and help to release prisoners from captivity.� (Narrated by Imam Bukhari).
On the rights of old people, the Prophet peace and pleassings of allah be upon him, says which meaning of is translated as: �Glorification of Allah involves honoring Muslims who grow old.�.
He, peace and pleassings of allah be upon him also says which meaning of is translated as: �He is not one of us who does not respect our old people and have no mercy on our little children.�.
This is all summed up in the following Hadith (Prophets' famous speech in the farewell speech) which meaning of is translated as: �Your blood, property and honor are regarded as sacred to you as sacred as this day of yours, in this city of yours, and in this month of yours.� (Narrated by Imam Bhukhari). All people are equal in such matters. This does not mean that other good morals are minor things in the Islamic Law. In fact, they are duties that Muslims must stick to.