In the name of Allah ,the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

 Muslim baby boy names. Muslim male

Important Guidelines to choosing a Muslim name


Muslim Names

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: On the Day of Resurrection you will be called
by your names and by your father's names, so give yourselves good names.
Hadith - Bukhari

Muslim baby Boy and Male  Names

1 If the child is male   then  the full  name of the child  will be :

Name of child  ibn (son of) name of father

 Example 1 

If the sons  name is Abdullah  and fathers name is Umar then the baby's full name will be:

         Abdullah ibn Umar (were Ibn =son of)

Example 2

Similarly if a brother  converts to Islam and he would like  change his name. He should change his name as below:

 If his father name is John Smith and he chooses for himself the name say Bilal. Then his full name will be 

   Bilal ibn John or Bilal ibn John Smith

i.e. Bilal son of John Smith

Spelling(s) Description or Meaning


'Abdul or 'Abd Literally means "slave" , i.e. "servant". Can be used in combination with one of the Names of Allah, i.e. "Abdullah" meaning "Slave of Allah" or "Abdul-Rahman" or "Abdul-Raheem" etc.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Call yourselves by the names of the Prophets. The names dearest to Allah are Abdullah and AbdurRahman, the truest are Harith and Hammam, and the worst are Harb and Murrah. -Hadith - Abu Dawood, Narrated AbuWahb al-Jushami
Slave of/to Allah
'Abdul-'Adl Slave to The Just
Abdul A'fuww
Slave to The Pardoner
Abdul A'had
Slave of The Only
ref: Quran 112:1
Abdul Aa'khir
Slave to The Last
Abdul A'leyy
Slave to The Exalted, Sublime
Abdul A'leim
Slave to The All-Knowing
Abdul Aw'wal
Slave to The First
Abdul A'zeim
Slave to The Great, Magnificent
Abdul A'zeiz
Slave to The Mighty, The Strong
Abdul Ba'deie
Slave to The Originator
Abdul Baa'eith
Slave to The Resurrector
Abdul Baa'qei
Slave to The Everlasting
Abdul Baa'ri
Slave to The Maker
'Abdul-Barr Slave to The Righteous
Abdul Ba'seir
Slave to The All-Seeing
Abdul Baa'sit
Slave to The Extender
Abdul Baa'tin
Slave to The Hidden
Abdud Daarr Slave to The One Who Causes Loss
Abdul Fattaah
Slave to The Opener, Reliever
Abdul Ghaf'faar
Slave of The Forgiver
Abdul Gha'four
Slave of The Forgiving
Abdul Gha'neyy
Slave to The Self-Sufficient
Abdul Haa'dei
Slave to The Guide
Abdul Ha'feiz
Slave of The Guardian
Abdul Ha'kam
Slave to The Judge
Abdul Ha'keim
Slave to The Wise
Abdul Ha'leim
Slave to The Forbearing, Clement
Abdul Ha'meid
Slave to The All-Praiseworthy
'Abdul-Haqq Slave to The Truth
Abdul Ha'seib
Slave to The Reckoner
Abdul Haey'y
Slave to The Ever-Living
Abdul Jab'baar
Slave of The Compeller
Abdul Ja'leil
Slave of The Revered
Abdul Jaa'mie
Slave to The Gatherer
Abdul Ka'beir
Slave to The Most Great
Abdul Ka'reim
Slave to The Generous
Abdul Kha'beir
Slave to The All-Informed, Aware
Abdul Khaa'fid
Slave of The Humbler
Abdul Khaa'liq
Slave to The Creator
Abdul La'teif
Slave to The Kind, Gracious
Abdul Maa'jid
Slave to The Most Glorious
Abdul Maa'lik
Slave of The King (Allah)

When the people took the oath of allegiance to 'Abdul Malik, 'Abdullah bin 'Umar wrote to him: "To Allah's Slave, 'Abdul Malik, Chief of the believers, I give the Pledge of allegiance that I will listen to and obey Allah's Slave, 'Abdul Malik, Chief of the believers, according to Allah's Laws and the Traditions of His Apostle in whatever is within my ability; and my sons too, give the same pledge." -Bukhari 9.312, Narrated Abdullah din Dinar
Abdul Ma'tein
Slave of The Firm
'Abdul-Mughni Slave of The Enricher
Abdul Mub'di
Slave to The Initiator
Abdul Mo'hai'min
Slave to The Protector, Guardian
Abdul Muh'sei
Slave to The Accountant
Abdul Muh'yei
Slave of The Life-Giver
'Abdul-Mujib Slave to The Responder
Abdul Mo'eizz
Slave of The Honorer
Slave of The Faithful
Abdul Mo'qaddim
Slave of The Presenter
Abdul Muq'sit
Slave to The Equitable
Abdul Muq'tadir
Slave to The Able
Abdul Mo'saw'wir
Slave of The Fashioner
'Abdul-Muta'ali Slave to The Supreme
Abdul Mo'ta'kab'bir
Slave of The Majestic, Superb
Abdun Naa'fie
Slave of The Beneficial
Abdun Nou'r
Slave of The Light
Abdul Qaa'dir
Slave to The Omnipotent
Abdul Qah'haar
Slave to The Subduer, The Dominant
'Abdul-Qawi Slave to The Almighty
Abdul Qaey'youm
Slave to The Subsisting
Abdul Qud'dous
Slave to The Holy (Allah)
Slave to The Exalteer
Abdur Rabb Slave to The Sustainer, Lord
Abdur Ra'heim
Slave of The Most Merciful, The Compassionate
Abdur Rah'maan
Slave of The Most Gracious, The Beneficent
'Abdul-Raqib Slave of The Watcher
Slave to The Righteous Guide
Slave to The Compassionate
'Abdul-Razzaq Slave of The Provider (Allah)
Slave to The Most Patient
'Abd us Salam
Slave of The Peace, The Bestower of Security, The Author of Safety
Slave of The Eternal
Ref Qur'an 112:2
Slave to The All-Hearing
Slave of The Witness
'Abdes Shakur
Slave of The Appreciative
Slave to The Acceptor of Repentance
'Abdul-Wadud Slave of The Loving
Slave of The Bestower
'Abdul-Wahid Slave of The Unique
Slave to The Reveler
'Abdul-Wakil Slave to The Trustee


Slave to The Supporter
'Abdul-Wali Slave to The All Governing
'Abdul-Wareth Slave to The Inheritor
Slave to The All-Embracing
Slave of The Manifest
Abrâr Pious and righteous
'Adam From earth
Prophet Adam name
'Adil Just.
'Amrullah The order of Allah swt
'Asadullah The lion of Allah swt
'Atallah The gift of Allah


Bahi Fine, good
Bari' Skillful
Basil Brave, courageous
Basim Smiling
Bahij Always happy, pleasant
Bakr Camel, First born, the eldest child
Baligh Eloquent, well versed
Barii Innocent
Bashir Bringer of good news
Bashshar Bringer of good news
Basman Smiling a lot
Bassam Smiling a lot
Bilal Freshness
Ref :He was  the First prayer caller in Islam
Binyamin / Benyamin Prophet Yousuf's younger brother ("Benjamin")
Bishr Joy, good news
Burhan Proof, evidence


Dalil Guide
Dani Close, near
Danyal Name of a Prophet
Daris Scholar, studying
Dawûd  Name of Prophet David
Dulamah Tall and black
Dyab The one who perseveres


Fadil Virtuous
Fa'iq Awake, alert
Fa'iz Winner
Falih Successful
Fadl Generosity, abundance
Fahd Cheetah
Fahim Intelligent
Fahmi Smart
Ralah Attainment, success
Faraj Relief from bad times
Farid Unique
Fatin Smart, witty
Fu'ad Heart
Furqan Proof (Qur'an)


Ghamir Giving a lot of charity
Ghanim Winner
Ghazi Attacker, campaigner for Allah's cause swt
Ghassan The prime of youth
Ghawth Relief, aid
Ghayth Rain
Ghayyath The one rushing to help
Ghazir Plentiful, ample


Habbab Gentle, polite
Habib Beloved

At Habib's death, the noble Prophet had commended him and his entire family and had prayed: "May God bless this household. May God have mercy on this household."
Hadir The sound of thunder
Hafiz Protector, preserver
Hakam To rule, coach, judge, referee
Hamadullah The Thanks of Allah swt
Hamidullah The appreciation of Allah
Hammam The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Call yourselves by the names of the Prophets. The names dearest to Allah are Abdullah and AbdurRahman, the truest are Harith and Hammam, and the worst are Harb and Murrah. -Hadith - Abu Dawood, Narrated AbuWahb al-Jushami
Hamza Lion

This was name of one of the Uncles of the Prophet peace be upon him
Hani Pleased, satisfied
Haris / Hares Guard
Harith The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Call yourselves by the names of the Prophets. The names dearest to Allah are Abdullah and AbdurRahman, the truest are Harith and Hammam, and the worst are Harb and Murrah. -Hadith - Abu Dawood, Narrated AbuWahb al-Jushami
Hasan Good, handsome
Hasim Decisive
Hazim, Hazem Strict
Hasim Thunder
Hibatullah The gift of Allah swt
Humam Brave
Husayn, Husein Handsome (Diminutive of Hassan)


'Iesa Jesus
Ibrâhim Prophet Abraham
'Ihsan Kindness, good charitable deed
'Imad Pillar, support
'Irfan Thankfulness, appreciation
'Isam Safeguard, self dependence


Means "tall".
Name of A Prophet.  Son of Ibraham and Sara. 
Ismâ'il Ishmael
'Iyad Support


Jadallah The Generosity of Allah swt
Jadil-Haqq Truth follower
Jalil Capable, mighty
Jasir Courageous, Strong
Jasur Courageous
Julaybib Brave Martyr

A Companion of the Prophet  who was dwarfed, described as ugly, and of unknown lineage, yet the Prophet  found great favor in him, selecting a wife for him, and saying, He is of me and I am of him" when Julaybib died as a martyr in battle, after first courageously killing seven.
Junayd Diminutive of soldier


Kamil Complete
Kayid Cunning
Khabir Expert
Khalaf Successor
Khalil Intimate Friend
ref quran 4:125
Khalilullah The friend of Allah swt
Khayr Goodness
Khayrullah The Prosperity of Allah swt


Labib Intelligent
Lami' / Lamee Bright
Lam'i Shining
Latif Gentle
Layth Lion
Luqman Clear way, convincing, Also name of a Prophet


Madi Past, sharp
Mas'ud Prosperous
Ma'sum Protected from committing sins
Mawdud Beloved
Mibsam, Mebsam Smiling a lot
Muhsin Good-doer, i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allah's sake only without any show off or to gain praise or fame etc., and in accordance with the Sunna of Allah's Messenger Muhammed . Also the name of one of the sons of Fatimah (Muhammad's daughter).
Mu'in/Mu'een Helper
Mu'min/Moo'min Believer
Mûsa Moses
Muhsin Good-doer, i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allah's sake only without any show off or to gain praise or fame etc., and in accordance with the Sunna of Allah's Messenger Muhammed SAAWS
Mustafa Chosen
Muti'/Mutee Obedient


Nasrallah The Victory of Allah swt




Qabil/Qabeel/Qaabeel Son of Adam
Qaddur/Qaddoor Capable
Qani/Qanee Satisfied with one's life
Qasim Divider
Also name of Prophet Muhammad's son
Qasit/Qaasit Just, Fair
Qays Firm


Radi/Radhi Happy, Satisfied
Ra'id/Raed/Raa'id Leader, Major (Rank)
Raji/Raajee Hoping
Ramadan/Ramadhaan 9th month of Islamic calendar


Safiyyullah The Choice of Allah swt
Salim Excellent reciter of Qur'an

..I heard Allah's Apostle SAAWS saying, 'Learn the recitation of the Qur'an from (any of these) four persons: 'Abdullah bin Masud, Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa...' -Bukhari 5.103, Narrated Masruq
Sayfullah The sword of Allah swt
Shukrallah The Thanks of Allah swt


Talût Saul
Târiq Night-comer, i.e. the bright star






Ya'qûb Jacob





Zayd Zayd ibn Thabit, .R.A.- a prominent scribe of Qur'an, responsible for preserving the Qur'an as we know it today.

List of Muslim Baby GIRLS Names Female Names)

Rulings and regulations of choosing a Muslim name for your baby. The most beloved names in islam and names prohibited in Islam

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