In the name of Allah ,the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

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Kitab Al-Salaah (The book of Prayer)
Compiled by:  Nathif Jama Adam.
Revised by our Site via:  Abdulaziz Addwesh.
Publishing house:  Cooperative Office For Call and Guidance in AL-BATHA(COCG) P.O.Box:20824, Riyadh 11465, Tel:+966-1-4030251, Fax:+966-1-4059387.
Publishing date:  7/1417H.
ISBN:  9960-789-39-9.

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Other Important Notes Regarding Prayer

  • If a person is smelling of garlic, onion, leek, cigarettes, tobacco or anything similar which has an unpleasant odor and which may cause inconvenience to others, then, such person must not join the congregational prayer and should keep away until the odor dissipates from him/her. The Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard says:� A person who has eaten garlic or onion or any other bad smelling thing should not approach our Mosques because the angels are offended by the things which human beings get offended from� (Reported by Imam Muslim).

  • The whole earth is for the Muslims a place of prayer and virtually clean. Therefore, anyone can pray wherever he may be when the time of prayer comes if there are no Mosques nearby. However, it is forbidden to perform prayers at cemeteries, except the funeral prayer administered over a dead Muslim. It is also forbidden to pray inside toilets and/or bathrooms and at filthy places. All prayers performed in such areas are considered null and void.

  • When entering a mosque it is the tradition that the person steps in with the right foot reciting the following supplication:" BISMILLAH WASSALATU WASSALAMU 'ALAA RASULULLAAH, ALAHUMMA AFTAH LII ABWABA RAHMATIK " which means:" In the name of Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the messenger of Allah., 0 Allah open for me the gates of your mercy ".And, when departing from the mosque, the person steps out with the left foot first saying:" BISMILLAH WASSALATU, WASSALAMU 'ALA RASULULLAAAH, ALLAHUMMA IGHFIR LII DHUNUBII WAFTAH LII ABWABA FADHLIKA" which means:" In the name of Allah ... may blessings and peace upon the messenger of Allah. 0 Lord, forgive me my sins and open for me the gates of your favors ".

  • It is not proper to come to the prayer hastening but the person is required to come calmly and in a state of serenity and tranquility. If a person joins the prayer while the Imam/congregation are in Rukuu position, then, that particular rakaat (unit) is counted for him as if he started the rakaat (unit) with the rest of the congregation from the start. However, if a person joins the prayer after the Imam/congregation has alrrisen from the Rukuu position, then, that particular rakaat is not counted for him, but he should continue praying with the rest until the Imam completes the prayer after which the person is required to come up with the missed rakaat(s) in order to complete his prayer.Here below is an example:Assuming that a person joins the Dhuhr prayer in the first rakaat but after the congregation has already risen from the Rukuu position, the person would complete the remaining part of the rakaat with the rest, although such rakaat is not counted for him. The Imam and the congregation proceed to the second rakaat, but the late comer should count the second rakaat as his first rakaat. Thereafter, the congregation sits for the first "At-Tashahuh" and would then, stand up to perform the third rakaat and subsequently, the fourth rakaat up to the second and final "At-Tashahud". After the Imam reads the words of peace to conclude the prayer, the late comer under discussion, would thereby stand up to perform one more rakaat in lieu of the rakaat missed at the beginning.

  • It is allowed for a person to pray while wearing shoes, but before doing so, the person is required to check on the soles of the shoes, and should there appear any trace of wetness and/or defilement, this should be cleaned well on the ground.

  • A person Is not allowed to pass in front of another person who is praying no matter how long and how much inconvenience the waiting may cause. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says:� If a person who passes in front of a praying person could realize the gravity of the sin, it would have been better for him to wait for forty rather than pass in front of the praying person. The narrator was not sure whether the Prophet (peace be upon him) said forty days or forty months or forty years� (Reported by Imam Bukhari).

  • If a person who wishes to perform a prayer fears others may pass in front of him in the course of his prayer, it is advisable for such a person to place any kind of object in front of him before commencing the prayer. Such an object is known as SUTRA in Arabic and it acts as a boundary for the person so that people may pass only beyond the object. If thereafter, any person attempts to pass between him and the object, the person in prayer may push away the passer-by. But if the passerby insists on passing, the praying person has perfect right to fight the intruder for he is an evil one.

  • A mature woman (who have reached the age of puberty) passing too close in front of a praying male person who has no" Sutra", has the effect of invalidating the prayer, except when the prayer is being done in the grand mosque of Makkah.