In the name of Allah ,the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

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Kitab Al-Salaah (The book of Prayer)
Compiled by:  Nathif Jama Adam.
Revised by our Site via:  Abdulaziz Addwesh.
Publishing house:  Cooperative Office For Call and Guidance in AL-BATHA(COCG) P.O.Box:20824, Riyadh 11465, Tel:+966-1-4030251, Fax:+966-1-4059387.
Publishing date:  7/1417H.
ISBN:  9960-789-39-9.

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Things Which Are Not Preferred In The Prayer

  • Turning of the eyes up. The Prophet (peace be upon him) strongly admonished against this as can be noted from the following saying:� What is the matter with the people who raise their eyes towards the sky while praying? They shall have to refrain from this or else they will lose their eyesight� (Reported by Imam Bukhari). It is also disliked to look right and left and the Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard says:� It is a deception with which Satan deceives the servant while in prayer� (Reported by Imam Bukhari). The person while praying is required to direct his eyes at the point of prostration.

  • Closing the eyes in the course of the prayer.

  • Placing the hands above the kidneys or on the waist. Hands should be placed over the chest.

  • Wiping the earth (where to prostrate) more than once to remove pebbles on it.

  • Reading of the Holy Qur'an, while in Rukuu and in Sujuud positions.

  • Making unnecessary movements in the course of the prayer such as touching the chin (beard) or fidgeting the fingertips or mending up the clothes e. g. the head turban etc.

  • Entering to prayer, while food has been served to the person before the prayer or while badly in need of passing excrement and / or urine. The Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard says:� Prayer is not valid when food has been served and when a person is in need of relieving himself of excrement and / or urine� (Reported by Imam Muslim).

  • It is prohibited for someone in a congregational prayer to raise the head from Rukuu and Sujuud positions ahead of the Imam. The Prophet (peace be upon him) strongly warned persons doing this as can be noted from the following saying:� Doesn't the person who raises up his head before the Imam fear that Allah will turn his head to that of a donkey or make his face look like a donkey� (Reported by Imam Bukhari).